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From a story about Prince Phillip:

“In more recent years, I am told, he extolled the joys of his Kindle until, disgusted by all the direct marketing of books he didn’t want to read, he threw it in the bath.”

they bought him... a cheaper Kindle... with the ads.

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IoS RTd VR tech guy...

"We’re starting a small test of in-headset ads with a few developers in the coming weeks. We want to help developers generate revenue and help people find great experiences at better prices—this is a part of how we’ll create a healthy, self-sustaining platform for everyone."

my own thought: I'm so impressed that someone could make me less interested in VR

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technology / product placement / child sexual abuse mention most of that style of religion is a responsibility-dodging death cult

@surfingalot sometimes the balls can take weeks to heal though

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"my laundry machine uses gigabytes of traffic every day" is another one of those fun things we can say now that we live in The Future™

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If someone asks you to explain the gap in your resume, just say "I can't answer that without violating an NDA."

It's a really cool way to tell them to fuck off. They don't have to know that the NDA was issued by you to you, and signed by you on behalf of you.

@raphael no but that isn't the host body's problem. and it's not denying the right to live, it is denying access to the energy and nutrients of the host body. subtle difference in terms of rights.

@meeper people seem to like matrix, but i don't. you could of course run an ircd

@hobson @black6 it's at will for both parties. you can walk out at any time. @snap_as that looks quite good, but it doesn't list pricing anywhere on that page?

if you are in alaska right now you should probably evacuate to a place not overrun by antivax idiots.

@tedu walgreens too! and they are distractingly not clearly labeled as total nonsense, right next to real medicine

@meeper what kind of messaging, for what kind of clients? (oh not never never, if i eat carbohydrates again it starts back up, so i don't do that) this used to happen to me a lot until i stopped eating nearly all carbohydrates now it never does

assume you're a doctor in alaska right now.

is taking a 90 day vacation to anywhere but alaska violation of your oath or a moral or ethical failure?

on one hand, lots of sick ppl who need more help than is available. including vaccinated people who have accidents et c

on the other hand, how much obligation to ameliorate the terrible destructive selfish decisions of others do we actually individually carry?

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