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@arran i'd like to spend somewhere around 10x that and get something comparable to the iphone 13 in terms of build quality.

@Zergling_man neither of those will scale automatically and transparently with traffic. IaaS != PaaS duh yes what about after chromium (googled or not) no longer runs ublock origin?

what browser am i going to switch to when chrome/chromium breaks ublock origin?

what are the best alternatives to heroku that aren't GAE or AWS or Azure?

what's the best privacy-focused android distro that's completely degoogled, and what's the best hardware to run it on?

installing ios15 on primary device because i can't update my watch to a newer version (that supports unlocking faceid phone while masked, from watch) without updating phone. lack of BC is stupid, apple. i don't want 15 or its on-device spyware. this is my last iphone. :( @Talloran it doesn't sound ridiculous, it's a correct and accurate term?

@alrs it was the second piece of vinyl i ever owned, which was before we had a cd player. it has nothing to do with how it was mastered.

@maltman23 being a tourist in america is definitely a weird and good feeling

sometimes i wonder if random access memories is a parody album

how many is too many copies of brothers in arms or selected ambient works xx-yy (vol1) on vinyl?

I don't think society has any business subsidizing child care. It's nowhere near universally agreed that reproduction is a good thing.

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