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The US military uses 30 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy each year, which is more than the entirety of Ireland, and approximately twice that of Iceland.

Estimates put Bitcoin's energy usage at 60TWh per year, about that of Switzerland.

Do you think the US military or Bitcoin is a better use of energy?

i need to send email to 4000 people. how do i do that a) without ending up in spam and b) cheaply?

suggestions to use gnu mailman will result in my muting your account

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If any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, then any sufficiently capable engineer is indistinguishable from a wizard

@popey lol @ running telegram as a local app. there's an ass for every seat, after all.

@frank87 @mr64bit it's up to you what you do with the information. i want people to be more informed so they can make better choices.

if you think that's cancel culture, you're a hammer looking for a nail. :(

@sp1rit oh, that's cool! is it feature-complete?

@frank87 @mr64bit nope, it was me noticing that they were voluntarily doing podcast episodes with quillette. interesting however that you immediately moved to discredit my viewpoint without knowing it.

@surfingalot bitwarden is garbage, it's just less garbage than all the others. i run bitwarden_rs now

i liked nextcloud until i started reading the php

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@mr64bit at least one of the founders donates content to alt-right media; i'm not interested in supporting business owners like that.

ugh, wanted to run nextcloud to self-host some groupware stuff. i thought the whole point of this php turd was that it was self-contained? but here I see the web UI phoning home... why go to all that trouble to shoot yourself in the foot like that?

substack is a trash platform run by trash people, but this article is spot on, despite greenwald’s general failings as a person

@case2tv you cannot get free apps from the app store without an apple ID. you cannot get an apple ID without a phone number, which is verified via SMS.

it's such a huge fuck you to a volunteer QA contributor who jumps through the hoops of creating an account on your bug tracker, verifying their email, and typing out a detailed bug report to autoclose it for idleness a year later with classic CADT bullshit boilerplate

banking in germany is such a pain in the dick

@gray i meant more that computers have been around and common in the global west for so long now that if you didn't start compulsively when you were young like we did, then perhaps you'll always be a swimmer and never a fish, for lack of a better metaphor? it's not just a matter of "x years of experience". we were both kids when the internet existed and i spent my whole childhood on the internet. there's a difference between me and someone who didn't.

why is the internet privacy/crypto community so dogmatic and idiotic and dramaseeking

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