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i got a pelican 1610 for my growing collection of g master lenses and pro video/photo gear (a7r4, a7s3, perhaps fx3 soon), and i think i might just insure it and check it into luggage when i begin flying again. cattle, not pets, right?

I'll be speaking at Orchid's Priv8 conference next week, if you'd like to tune in. Other speakers include Cindy Cohn of EFF, Brian Behlendorf of many, many things, including hyperreal and Apache httpd, the wonderful human that is Zooko of Zcash, and everyone's favorite CIA employee Mr Ed Snowden.

It's gonna be super awesome. Make sure you register ASAP.

sneak boosted
sneak boosted
sneak boosted
sneak boosted

how did archillect know i was shopping for custom glocks yesterday?!?!?

sometimes i wonder if black people are as angry at kanye as i am for writing/singing "you can be my black kate moss tonight"

predictably, the vaccine appointment website run by the government has 10000+ms response latencies

it should be illegal for government agencies to put google-hosted captchas on public health or public benefits webpages

white people getting vaccinated at almost 2x the rate of black people in america.

don't worry though github stopped calling it "master"

stop putting google javascript on your fucking webpages

@surma it transmits each and every one of your keystrokes into that box, as you type them, to apple (by default unless you turn it off or block it)

maybe i will go to masada this summer

@brad @yuki_is_bored @enigmatico @Ninmi @tirifto @replikvlt unlike most free software advocates, i am not a free software *zealot* and i will not sacrifice my own effectiveness simply to avoid nonfree software. i use the best tool for the job because idgaf about licenses because copyright is an illusion promoted by the state

@brad @yuki_is_bored @enigmatico @Ninmi @tirifto @replikvlt

there is precisely zero good free software for use on a mobile device

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