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@brad @yuki_is_bored @enigmatico @Ninmi @tirifto @replikvlt

in apple land then everything has to go via APNS, and only the app publisher is allowed to push notifications to the app, so every federated server has to send notifications for all users of the app back to the publisher's server to be proxied to apple, to be sent to the phones.

this is why i can't have notifications for toot replies or DMs or stuff

and people wonder why i bought a used car and paid the previously-OEM-but-now-free-agent mechanics to rip out the GSM modem module.

not that i've ever had an occasion to actually pronounce their names vocally, but my in-my-head voice has been saying both Poincaré and Laplace wrong whilst reading my whole life until i watched a veritasium video today

@tedu i don't think their public image turned around, just the perception of the value of their stonk. i'm pretty sure anyone who hated them before would resume hating them the instant they set foot in a store again.

@yuki_is_bored @tirifto @enigmatico @Ninmi @replikvlt

mattermost is spyware, rocketchat is buggy garbo, and all of them have to go through a centralized push service run by the developer of the mobile app (matrix included) if people want to use them in realtime on mobile, which is pretty much 100% of the userbase these days.

@surfingalot i wouldn't, except for the fact that the MSM keeps running headlines about utterly un-newsworthy shit related to him. it's beyond absurd the stretches they go to just to run a headline with his name in it every so often.

@surfingalot it has some small features that make it more suited for video specifically. it also supports a nice top-grip with a mic clamp and xlr inputs, which is some shit i have to rig up to my cold shoe right now and it's... less than ideal.

@xorman thanks for your opinion, that was just what i needed. i am better for this interaction, you are valuable and so was that toot.

@amolith illegal porn inside the bitcoin blockchain, for one. there's ascii art but not porn; you can only store about 40 arbitrary bytes per transaction. there were some others but it's now been a whole day since i've read it

@amolith it's sort of interesting how many false statements schneier makes in this post.

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@ElfLord this is a good way to not be introduced to many great artists: the grammys aren't based on talent or even acclaim/success but on connections and industry gatekeeping. it's like using google on a resume to discover the good programmers, it makes their bias into your bias

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why is the US media still talking about the previous president so much? i was hoping that after he was out of office he'd be out of most news cycles, but somehow these morons find an excuse to put his name and face in the headlines every week.

you can't call it "fake news" without being tagged some right-wing nutjob due to the idiotic culture war... but with an alarming increase in frequency, when you look at the news in america, it is fake.

@icedquinn the lower receiver has always been "legally a gun". buying a lower receiver, even if not fitted out with trigger, upper, whatever, is still "buying a firearm" for legal purposes.

you have to buy a lower that isn't completed, which is uncontrolled, and do a bit of aluminum milling yourself, then add the upper and trigger parts (also all uncontrolled). it's still common and legal to do so.

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In case you missed it, Google Play recently removed the @Tusky Mastodon app without proper explanation.

Tusky is one of the best Android Mastodon apps, with nothing controversial in it at all. It's quite disturbing that Google can and does act like this.

An alternative and much better way of getting Tusky onto your Android device is by using the independent FOSS app store @fdroidorg

You can find instructions for installing F-Droid here:

#FediTips #MastoTips #Tusky

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!