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now that he's dead it's not doxxing him.

happy birthday, dan kaminsky.

cultural appropriation doesn't hurt anyone, and resultantly isn't wrong or bad. it's an attempt to frame harmless behavior (that is, the normal and typical propagation of human culture) as an outrageous offense.

majority groups do plenty to fuck over minority groups. dressing or dancing or cooking or eating or cutting their hair similarly is not one of them.

if everything is outrageous, then nothing is.

@asterope @cnx nah the user is the person running the software to operate their service business.

software is not a service. software is software and a service is a service. *customers* not having access to the software backing a service is not an abridgment of freedom, any more than customers not being allowed in the kitchen of a restaurant.

@cnx you seem to think that my difference of opinion about the AGPL stems from my misunderstanding it.

nothing you've sent me is something i didn't know.

i'm talking about the so-called "ASP loophole", and the fact that AGPL software is nonfree because you are forced to make public private modifications that are executed only on your *own* hardware if those algorithms are used remotely by customers over the network.

the smear campaign aimed at warren ellis makes me really sad.

these people are insane

@xarvos @arh @cnx you don't. it's not yours. it's private. it's the same as if you asked me over the phone to add some numbers together and i did, and told you the result, and then suddenly felt entitled to a copy of my hard drive. it's lunacy to redefine "user" to someone who is not running the software (and indeed never had/touched the software!)

@arh i find that most people who are economically unproductive are; my theory is that they wish to have the same quality of life as those who are economically productive. unfortunately you can't get there without breaking the NAP.

@cnx @arh

no, this is the whole motte-and-bailey argument that FSF anticapitalist zealots like to toss out whenever they are called out on their ideology that extends past software.

it's a violation of my privacy to demand that i publish files from my own server simply because i ran "systemctl start httpd". there is no "application service provider loophole", it's a feature not a bug.

the AGPL is nonfree.

@arh they redefined "user" to be the person making the http requests and not the person, you know, who actually edited and is running the software on the computers they own, because they're anti-capitalists who don't believe in the concept of private property when it comes to information. they have a stock retort for when they are accused of this which does not actually refute the issue.

@lxo this is 100% ad hominem. that's what this thread is about: an unreasonable person who posts reasonable things.

that's why rms is so hard to cancel: he's right more than he is wrong. he's also a trash person, and a bad leader.

he should be ejected from FSF because FSF having bad leaders is bad for free software.

@lxo yes the user of the software is the person running the software on their computer - that is, the server operator.

the anti-capitalism ideology in rms/fsf has to swap the terms around to suddenly declare these people running software on their own computers somehow unworthy of privacy.

@arh number 3 - "when you wish". i may wish to make no copies of my modified server software, and never distribute them. AGPL prevents this.

@lxo the person *running* the software on *their own computer*, obviously. in the case of the AGPL, that would be the SaaS proprietor.

@surfingalot to do in the stdlib with python what bash does without any extra libraries/modules (except standard posix/gnu tools) is a huge pain

it upsets me how good i am getting at shell scripting

is there a unix command like split that will checksum each individual chunk as it is split out? i'm trying to avoid doing a split and a shasum afterward.

@lxo the proposal is reasonable. the man who is writing it is not.

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