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Experiment with go generics:

Download and build go1.18beta2 in about the time it took me to eat an avocado toast.

Write a wrapper around some existing code that (ab)used interface{}.

It works. @abloo there's an amazing comment in that thread on that topic which had me rofl

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every time i'm reading some post on rms' website and i'm thinking to myself "hmm this is a reasonable position" i get to the part where he uses his own made-up gender neutral personal pronouns which nobody else anywhere has adopted and i recall that this seemingly reasonable article came out of the mind of a completely unreasonable person and i have to change the channel and go render something with nonfree javascript to get rid of the gross feeling

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@djsumdog lol you're wrong on several points here. i'm going to mute you now because i've not seen one thing you've had to say that is useful, here or on your website. best of luck.

@djsumdog vaccination status isn't "personal medical information". i didn't ask if you were only born with one testicle.

@pamaca i appreciate the info! i just can't use it because i can't paypal. i will keep looking. o2 is charging me €100/mo right now for a phone i literally only ever use to get 2fa codes from my bank. i'm paying €1200/year to be able to log in to my bank.

@dibi58 this guy is wrong in like 5 different ways

@mousebot the fact that there are three different and parallel systems for cut/paste, and no effort to unify them because they know cranky useless people will resist it

if reading this doesn't make you angry at software people, i don't know what will

it's like this because *they designed it like this*.

@pamaca the website seems to imply that using an app and using paypal are both required. i don't think my phone will support their app and i am blacklisted from paypal. are there others like them that do web-based stuff?

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Ever thing about how's its messed up that everyone harbors a distrust towards technology because most technology is made and controlled by greedy scumbags

there should be a single command in debian/ubuntu/etc to rebuild your kernel using the patchset from upstream and anything in like /etc/kernelpatches.d/ applied. there isn't.

however i installed this version of ungoogled-chromium (flatpak? snap? appimage? whatever overengineered-flavor-of-the-day-that-doesn't-actually-fix-the-problem?) has terrible tearing when playing back fullscreen video on a normal/recent ubuntu with a normal/recent nvidia video card. everything else on the system works fine. this is fine

what's a good ready-to-deploy headless cms that works with jekyll? ideally it can clone a repo and run "jekyll build" and some custom ssh/scp/rsync/whatever command to publish on edit.

i'm thinking of writing one because i don't know of a good option.

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