Show more @bram nope it's not opt-in it's literally the default.

@lxo keeping your private things private is not "power over others" unless you've an entitled anticapitalist worldview.

@dwaltiz @lxo that's what i do, obviously. i also intend to violate the AGPL as is convenient for me.

@prasoon @lxo i did not say users are not needed. you are now discussing in bad faith and i'm done. have a nice day.

i have a few dozen floats in a python list. what is an elegant way to filter all the ones that are more than 1 standard deviation away from the median?

@bram so, once again: please do not repeat the standard lie that unofficial/3p foss client software cannot connect to the official signal servers. they can, they do, they are, and it's legal. at least one person (who doesn't work there anymore) at signal doesn't like it, but the ToS does not prohibit users from doing it, and the software license doesn't prohibit developers from doing it.

@bram libresignal could have legally continued what they were doing and simply told moxie to fuck off if they didn't have the word "signal" in their app name.

@bram what you said and what i said are compatible.

the following things are true:

- moxie doesn't want 3p apps using the official servers

- moxie has no right to stop legitimate users from using the official servers with 3p clients (they are governed by the tos which does not ban clients)

- moxie has no right to stop forks of signal that point at official servers (the code is foss)

- moxie used *the signal trademark* to stop libresignal because he doesn't like 3p clients no unfortunately that is the default and wanting those things doesn't make you abnormal (but it may make you boring, but if you're not bored it doesn't matter)

@sukapon @coolboymew @kaia i don't watch the olympics but i do like to think of myself as reasonably well-informed of the happenings on earth since (partial) civilization was developed (in some places)

@bram oh this also misses the fact that almost all matrix installations as well as the web client phone home to centralized matrix servers run by the matrix developers

@bram oh this also repeats the standard lie that unofficial clients aren't allowed to connect to the official signal servers. this is both false from a legal/TOS standpoint, as well as objectively practically incorrect (many people use third party clients with the official signal servers).

please stop spreading this toxic lie about signal.

@bram it's missing the column for "what percentage of the people you want to talk to use this protocol" @wilbr twitter has suspended the account so i guess we'll never know, we're not allowed to read what they had to write

@coolboymew @kaia i am a little bit embarrassed to admit that i didn't know until ~5 years ago that there was a GIANT discontinuity in the olympics and that the modern day sporting event was just inspired by the one in antiquity and they didn't just do them continuously for millennia

@wilbr btw anyone who is calling for or threatening violence is not marginalized enough IMO

@staticvoidmaine there is a lilygo product on there that seems to not be available any longer, but she made another which i ordered: i have a lot of users from those domains blocked/muted

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