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Starting a band called Main Page. We will quickly become popular, since Wikipedia will have no choice but to include a disambiguation link to us at the top of its own homepage.

@nytpu @alcinnz you can't practically sell foss. free as in speech dictates free as in beer.

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Google Says It Will Delete Location Data When Users Visit Abortion Clinics 

it’s very convenient that the “we have to go to mars” guy is also simultaneously the number one “let’s make all earth cars electric” guy when talking on the internet with clueless idiots who think earth should be perfect before we have any cities on other planets

@kaip @tenacity that's easy.

you could also ship a fork that has the same download urls, that's between the user and the server.

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@GaryPaulWood what do you think humanity is in the process of doing rn???

@sadmin the lead dev doesnt understand the issue and claims they don't need consent to drop a tracking id on your system lol

@lambdagoat the lead dev says it doesnt require consent because it's just a random id. he doesn't get it.

@greypilgrim @jomo the ip part is how it tracks your travel history (ip geolocation)

@trashcatt the lead dev thinks that it doesnt need consent because it is just a random id lol

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FediFollows recommends handpicked interesting accounts to follow on here.

All the suggestions ever made are also listed sorted by category in the FediFollows directory:

If you're using Mastodon through Firefox, you can make the directory easier to use by installing the "Mastodon Simplified Federation" plugin:

The plugin (by @rugk) lets you follow remote accounts without having to re-enter your own account address each time.


@FediFollows @rugk apparently this doen't let me add the extension on firefox mobile. do people still use social media on non-mobile?

OSMAnd is spyware that leaks your travel history to the OSMAnd developers, even if you have analytics/telemetry turned off!

This unethical and consent-violating data leak exists in both the iOS and Android versions. It's not an accident - they are deliberately phoning home with a unique identifier.

@th @bleeptrack this is Very Good. bonus points for the iso date!!!!

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Thanks to @bleeptrack's suggestion, i now have an e-ink lunar-phase display on a twenty-four hour analog watch.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!