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apparently the nsa was tracking bitcoin users by IP/timestamp (which maps to subscriber ID) as early as march 2013. i speculated as much in a blog post in december 2013. we found out authoritatively in 2018.

also interesting: i posted a post to my corporate blog in dec 2014, and IA/wayback has archives from 2015, and it's not in them? the blog posts cut off in 2013...


this is the first and my second linux install, 1999.

i just found code i wrote in 2000.

it's perl.

it's not indented.

it still bothers me that people just started calling sysadmins "devops" when "devops" literally meant "all your devs are now also the sysadmins". reading a CV that says "lead a distributed team of <blah> developers and DevOps" and i'm like "wtf you don't even know what "DevOps" means then

imagine being this mad about people using a p2p network in ways that does not affect you at all. nft rage should be measured in the Ulrich unit.

what is with all of these antivaxxers

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The usual grumbling: when attempting to literally follow instructions, the newcomer is in for a surprise.

if you have to put your preferred pronouns in your bio you might be bad at your gender

i've been sysadminning for well over two decades and every time i try to log a service running under runit or daemontools/svscan, i try for 5 minutes, fail utterly, and give up.

someone want to give me the magic sauce?

it's really amazing to me how many haters moxie has. just goes to show you that even if you're a cypherpunk doing great work, doing the impossible (actual free software that actually works well, which is cryptography on top, making it 3x impossible) that people will still find lies to repeat to shit on you because you did something big and great and successful.

i was about to say "there should be a name for this" but then i recalled that there actually is:

stop making the little plastic bit behind the metal sticky-inny usb bit WAY thiccer because sometimes the port is recessed a little you jackasses

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"highly classified"

"highly encrypted"

whenever anyone says these things, they are selling something. check your wallet and question everything they say.

i like how it's just assumed that gaming keyboard configuration tools are going to be a win32 .exe and that's what you're getting and you're going to like it.

it's really sad to see smart people i respect and admire both:

a) not understand that free and uncensorable payments are essential to a free society, just like free speech


b) shit on the people who are implementing same

these people got my respect in the first place by actually shipping work and being right. now they're just old and repeating falsehoods which are obvious from reading the code.

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