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It's already happening: American cops are interrogating protesters and asking if they are anti-fascist.

Is the authoritarian US police state basically going to make it illegal to be anti-fascist? Then it'll be totally undeniable what the USA is: fascist

RT @Jose_Pagliery
Defense lawyer source: protestors arrested by NYPD are being pulled aside by FBI at precincts & asked about anti-fascist sentiments or connections to antifa.


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breonna taylor 

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You: I support all unions
Me: I support most unions
You: how could you not support all unions?

startups do not address other systemic societal issues (such as using platforms like AWS or Google that participate in PRISM and shred your staff and users' human rights), presumably because being a startup is hard/risky enough without also being on a societal-improvement-mission, so i'm not sure why people assume they will behave differently for d&i or systemic racism/sexism.

The police are only acting as boldly as they are because the protests are nonviolent and unarmed. The vast majority of protestors are not attacking police, not throwing molotovs, not shooting back. The police are behaving to scare and intimidate, because they know their targets are nonviolent.

Things would be *totally* different if the police were actually under attack. They are not.

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Why are people scared of the riots and looting?

The flu kills way more people every year.
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"why does every peaceful protest turn violent when the cops show up" is one of those questions where I am still stunned some people have trouble connecting the dots on the "when the cops show up" part

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The president could have made a special new human rights enforcement branch to rein in the BATFE, DEA, CBP/ICE, FBI, et al, and close the concentration camps, end parallel construction, fix the torture culture in prisons, and address pig violence and abuse.

Instead he made a new branch of the military to better militarize space, which has, so far, been entirely peaceful throughout its history (notwithstanding any antisatellite warfare that has occurred before).

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