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fucking uber eats has a stories feature now. what is this cancer

the average human can read about 100MB of text in a lifetime

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Birds near you

Pigeon (38m)
Pigeon (38m)
House Sparrow (77m)
Pigeon (84m)
Pigeon (84m)
Seagull (94m)
Seagull (95m)

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in the future all wild birds will be legally mandated to carry an ADS-B transponder

i think it might be a dick move that apple is still selling the intel 27” imac right now

i go back and forth on whether or not to send people who have ghosted me in the past birthday wishes. my heuristic is that if the birthday is <6 months since ghosting and the personal relationship was >1 year, then I send well wishes into the void, otherwise no.

i just downloaded the latest release of audacity (3.0.2) for mac and ran it, and it makes precisely zero network connections.

whatever this kerfuffle is, so far it's posturing.

am i allowed to be sad that rumsfeld died of natural causes (cancer) and not because the world is just (it isn't)

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is there a tool that will repost my AP posts on this instance to my accounts on other instances?

“Freedom of the mind requires not only, or not even specially, the absence of legal constraints but the presence of alternative thoughts. The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities.” —Allan Bloom

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