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behold, a penguin

(too tired to figure out the colors now, good night)

it used to be that a macos would continue to work right if you blocked (apple's remote feature flags api, as far as i can tell). now if you block that, you won't even see the current software updates available on m1.

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@gordonmb @gruber @kbarker @briankrebs @mmasnick @Edent

Let's suppose you're right. It's inexcusable to upload hashes of my pictures to a third party without my explicit opt-in. No?

all consumer electronics should support zigbee for pushing any/all buttons/selectors on them. all monitors should expose each input selector as a zigbee button, brightness up/down, etc.

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so despite home assistant suggesting that you can install it using a docker container, one of the main value-adds, "addons", does not work unless you install their custom distro on bare metal or in a VM. cool. ugh.

now macOS is asking me for an apple id login to "Update Apple ID Settings", because "Some account services will not be available until you sign in again."

I never signed in. I don't use an Apple ID. What account services does it think I want?

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the home assistant web interface phones home for all sorts of crap back to the mothership

shoutout to traefik which defaults phone-home to false and requires opt-in consent to enable its bundled surveillance.

police murder a hundred people a month in the USA.

in 44 hours in california, 19 people were killed in mass shootings.

in those same 44 hours in california, 90 people died of covid.

i'm actually proud of the fact that i don't own an rj45-db9 serial console cable any longer.

remember kids: linux is only free if your time is worthless

just told someone born this century about rj45 to db9 serial cables. "for historical reasons, they are baby blue"

holy fucking shit i just bought 160 8TB sata disks for $1800

zfs about to get reallllll up in here

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My favorite fun fact about the US military is that some old Navy FLTSATCOM satellites have been abused by Brazilians as free CB radio relays, e.g. by truckers to chat on the road.

These vintage 1980s satellites are nothing more than analog linear amplifiers without any authentication. It's open to everyone as long as long you can point an antenna at it, with a RF mixer at the right frequency. The military can't do anything. This audio recording is absolutely hilarious:

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To many of us it was clear that the Twitter files revealed a more systemic problem, and this breaking news goes to show just that.

"Inside the Facebook Files: Emails Reveal the CDC's Role in Silencing COVID-19 Dissent"

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