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reminder: the airlines are entirely amoral:

"Airlines for America, the trade group for the nation’s major carriers, opposes making proof of vaccination mandatory for air travel but would like a clean, easy way for travelers to show their status. "

@sebx2a the lying about masks. the bureaucratic delays in getting out the vaccine. not preventing in-person gatherings in homes. the delays in closing bars and restaurants and gyms. reopening bars and in-person dining and gyms and churches too soon.

sneak boosted

@sebx2a i don't think that's remotely close to the biggest mistake during the pandemic.

@x my writing on HN and my website. they've also plagarized USENIX articles.

does anyone know what does? strings on the binary, snooping in its sqlite file, and the manpage are all no help.

Be advised: is plagiarizing my work as well as the work of others on their webpage, and soliciting financial donations with the output. This is unethical (and probably illegal in some jurisdictions).

almost all of the other protected classes are innate traits. religious beliefs are a personal choice, and should not be a protected class.

sneak boosted is the gulag of #ActivityPub.

Join you an instance that doesn't censor.

@surfingalot etrade also has mobile app 2fa, but it's some proprietary symantec garbage and not standard TOTP and i'm not installing any proprietary 2FA app on my phone.

@jackyan yup, for managed chrome browsers via g suite

etrade supports hardware 2fa. oh, not like that, no - it's a keychain thing that displays a numeric code, like the RSA tokens from the 2000s. you have to buy one and they ship it to you. totally phishable.

turning on Advanced Protection means opting in to additional surveillance by google.

google will upload images you view in your browser to google, and the only way to disable this in organization browser management is under "accessibility" settings. not being spied on by big G is now an accessibility setting.

chromeos management allows human beings without a soul who are working as system administrators to rob you of the small joy of being able to play the dinosaur jumping game in chrome when offline

@vaartis homebrew doesn't suck because it's written in ruby, it sucks because it's written by the homebrew maintainers. they don't give a fuck about privacy or free software.

(what spyware is enabled by default in ubuntu?)

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