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Today I got to blow a child's mind

my 10-year-old (Z): papa, how come you're always right?*

Me: because everything I say is true, except this sentence which is false

*15 seconds go by*

Z: wait. What?! That's illegal!

* this is a running joke that is made every time I'm wrong about something

@unl0ckd no, they made the wrong decision and need to right it.

@sp1rit @fsf being transparent about a wrong decision doesn't make it right. they seem to think the problem was how the decision was announced. that's wrong. the problem was the decision that was made.

@witchfynder_finder i mean shouldn't a statement's transphobic-ness be an objective evaluation? does one need to be trans to detect transphobia?

maybe the most german thing i have ever seen that doesn't involve beer and/or sausage:

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"if only we could get the scoundrels out and get the right, good people into government, the world will be better off" is the equivalent of "if we only hire smart people, don't use strcpy, and are really careful then we will be able to write programs in c without memory corruption bugs and exploits!"

nice dream but how many times over how many decades must you bloody your head on that wall before you learn?

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by logging in to you agree via their clickwrap never to link to anything on except the home page:

@wowaname everyone *is* the judge and jury of who they personally associate with. that's how society works.

tmobile would give me a 28% monthly discount if i killed people overseas for a living. you can't rape or murder someone using a webpage, so i'm not really sure what they're claiming the problem is @surfingalot do you mean sean parker? once again, "harassment" and "sexual harassment" are different things, and the stories are a) direct reports, and b) describe sexual harassment by rms.

i will pay $100 for an authentic instance of rms' now-infamous "pleasure card". go get me one. you're free to ignore the numerous direct reports from women if you like. an ayn rand quote comes to mind: you can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

periodic reminder that YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable way to write dates i didn't say "harassment", i said "sexual harassment", which does have a specific meaning and which is a thing that rms has consistently and repeatedly engaged in.

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