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@Jain @tutu is there a way i can give you the media files for the old toots and have you replace them?

@xvilo @pixelfed @ariadne people (police, users) will report this data whenever it is encountered generally. it's only a tiny fraction of users who see CP and do not notify admins. pretty much everyone loses their shit when CP is around.

@xvilo @ariadne @pixelfed CSAM is removed when detected or reported. latency isn't really a big problem here and does not increase harm to anyone.

@Jain @tutu i'm sad that the old media is 4xxing, i've been uploading toot pics for a while

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@ariadne @pixelfed why do they need a special plan beyond any other service that supports UGC? this is a solved problem.

@heyarnold that's not what the screenshot shows. it shows them donating to something on his behalf, giving money to a cause that they support.

Cursed food 

This is your periodic reminder that CLAs are bullshit and you should never sign them!

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@abdulocracy i will but i forgot to do it before configuring the s3 support so i have to move it all over then prune it. derp.

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@Jain @thor these are private entities that can do or not do whatever they want. i don't use twitch and i ignore fifa. so should you.

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@Jain @thor no state has the authority to try to prevent me from getting addicted to things i choose to get addicted to.

nobody, and i mean NOBODY, has any authority higher than me over my health, or how i choose to spend my resources. it's the same for everyone else. if someone chooses to become addicted, state interference is a violation of their rights.

@lamp i run runit/supervise in almost all of my containers

people who think that trump is or is not made more dangerous by whether or not he has a twitter account are, to put it frankly, naive fools.

@thor it's not a hot take. it's very obvious if you stop subscribing to the standard european statism that "anything democratic legislatures can outlaw is a legitimate ban". there are lots of things that governments cannot ban. imagine if a law were passed that banned human rights.

we have a right to free association, and we have a right to free expression. if we have those, there is no way to ban gambling. it's just logic.

i built a custom docker container for masto that holds the database and the webapp (and all the different worker processes) and everything. i think i need to split out the db container. gonna do an upgrade of the app, mine is ancient

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