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i subscribe to the gender binary, and resultantly i have 10 balls

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@teezeh did kraftwerk write a song with lyrics about sparkasse?

very excited for my $500 8TB external SSD to arrive tomorrow

dear historians: i was there when "sleepy" became "eepy", it was supposed to be a cute shortening but then it just stuck everywhere because it's unambiguous

@teezeh deutsche bank is fucking terrible, i can do some weird "phototan" system but it involves receiving post in a timely fashion in .de to activate and persist use of. SMS always works.

sneak boosted

25% increase week on week in Covid hospital admissions in England - increases seen across all regions except London. The latest wave continues.

Note that this is not (yet?) the new variant BA.2.86 ("Pirola") which is a small % of sequenced cases, but mostly Omicron XBB variants.

dear : i would like a free software CMS that i can use to back a static site like jekyll or hugo. even if it's just a simple CRUD thing that can make the whole thing available as a JSON URL, i can write twenty lines of script to write out a jekyll `_posts` from that. please advise.

@paoloredaelli stop complaining that people do things with code you gave away, that's the point of open source

it's crazy how much better the code search in github has become now that microsoft runs it.

the 2 year contract lock in in germany for mobile service is the worst bullshit racket

@TheDailyBurble @kkarhan yes that's definitely why apple has been the most valuable company in the world several times

@kkarhan you are applying your bias, and it's only negatively affecting you. apple doesn't work with other manufacturers because they're slow and because of the osborne effect, obviously. iphones have become more repairable over time, you may note...

mfi licensing doesn't really make any significant money for apple. would you agree that it's not fleecing if that is true?

@teezeh also if my phone is damaged in the usa, i don't know that i can get a new german esim remotely.

@teezeh i live 40% of the year in germany and 60% of the year in the usa. i can't do banking in germany unless i can get SMS on my german number. i could technically throw my german sim into another phone but i already travel with 4 phones and i like not having to switch phones when i switch continents.

@kkarhan the amount of money apple makes from lightning is irrelevant to apple. it's purely about improving the UX of the phone over the 30 pin dock connector and micro/mini-usb. obviously.

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