@reactorcontrol @rdela @joeo10
1) other people claim differently
2) those would be on a cdn that apple uses to distribute files, not on api.smoot.apple.com. hoakley has suggested on eclecticlight that it's part of visual lookup.
@eris i say it because people who say "poly" are gross and i don't want to be lumped in with them
@iBender70 @mysk he claimed that i said macos sends info about local photos to apple. i never made that claim. read my article carefully.
@abdulocracy it still phones home to github to do an update check by default :(
@mysk actually you should not spread incorrect information - i never made that claim. read the article again.
@ivory your software as released violates all four essential software freedoms:
@HSTG i'll never be able to recover the seconds spent reading your reply, sadly
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